Research areas

Working Process – Analysis and Simulation
The main objective of the the research area "Work Process - Analysis and Simulation" is the ultimately complete simulation of the thermodynamics of the working process. The concrete implementation includes not only the development…

The research area Design (Special drives and energy converters) conducts research and development of engines, engine-gear units and exhaust aftertreatment systems for small-volume and high-performance internal combustion engines. The focus is on special…

Propulsion Systems
Research and development onfuture powertrians is driven mostly by legislation. The possible solutions range from optimisation of conventional gasoline and diesel engines, new combustion systems, electrification of powertrains…

The department Emissions focuses on pollutant emissions and energy consumption from motor vehicles. Activities include measurements on chassis dynamometers and engine test beds as well as testing with on-board measurement…

The research area “Thermodynamics” deals with thermodynamic questions of selected mechanical engineering topics.

Traffic and Environment
The objective of this research area is to investigate and manage the interrelated processes of emission and dispersion of airborne pollutants, with an emphasis on recording traffic emissions and their dispersion in urban areas. The intention is to…